ESIM Conference

A long-established annual congress that was first launched in Germany in 2008 and has since been held in Italy, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia and United Kingdom; attracting thousands of experts from throughout Europe with its largest event attracting over 1000 delegates’

Next Events

3rd World Congress on Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 15-18, 2025

Past Events

16th Congress for Integrative Medicine November 15-17, 2024, Madrid, Spain

15th Congress for Integrative Medicine and 2nd World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health
September 20-23, 2023, Rome, Italy Abstracts

14th Congress for Integrative Medicine September 30 – October 1, 2022, Porto, Portugal

13th Congress for Integrative Medicine 4-7 November 2021, London UK, online
The joint congress for ESIM and ISCMR

12th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain, September 13-15, 2019
Abstracts –

11th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 21-23, 2018
Abstracts –

10th ECIM & 12th ICCMR Congress
World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017
Berlin, Germany, May 3-5 2017

9th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Budapest, Hungary, September 10-11 2016
Program – Abstracts

8th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 25-27 2015
Program Saturday – Program Sunday – Abstracts

7th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Belgrade, Serbia, October 10-11 2014

6th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Berlin, Germany, October 4-5 2013

5th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy, September 21-11 2012

4th European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Berlin, Germany, October 7-8 2011

3rd European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Berlin, Germany, December 3-4, 2010

2nd European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Berlin, Germany, November 20-21, 2009

1st European Congress for Integrative Medicine
Berlin, Germany, November 7-8 2008